Neolithic "Cultural Jades"  :  Origins of Chinese Character Scripts  
新石器時代「文化玉器」  刻契漢文字的起源和發展

Hong Kong

Natural Intelligence


Natural Intelligence:
Neolithic "Cultural Jades"
Scripts Beginnings



Main Page











23, September, 2010


This new English version in my webpage,

was targeted to my 1963Classmates of the Diocesan Boys School, Hong Kong.

The classmates graduating in 1963, have witnessed the changing scenes of the world

economic and cultural changes from the 1950s to the information age of the 21st

century. Our classmates live around the world, and our occupations diversify in many

fields in Sciences, Technologies, Medical Sciences, Humanities, commerce, industries,

and politics.

Targeting to a confined target audience would enable me to concentrate the way I

would have reported my story and the historical revelations. The classmates diversified

background would offer a broad perspectives to reflect on the conflicting views

on the reality surrounding us.

Universities have been run as factories in producing graduates to fill in job vacancies in

executing our economies in the information society. The human spiritual nature which

has been replaced by books, mechanical machines is now further replaced by digital

programmed control signals in the multiple feedback loops of the artificial information

systems around us. The rising automation control infrastructure nowadays has further

reduced human  ability to exercise our spiritual aspect of the life styles..

We would have recognized that schooling and universities have not been able to provide

guidance to graduates to resolve many contradictory conflicts in humanities we have

encountered in our lives. 


The issue is how to find a common kernel on which diversities of knowledge sub-models

can be built on. If such a common platform of kernel can be identified, the current

documented specific sub-models for specific conditions can be filtered through, then

only relevant knowledge would be applied properly at the appropriate circumstances.

In the coming of the information society, both this real time kernel of human intelligence

and the knowledge models can play a key role in the feedback loops.

Both of  them should be taken into account in the man-machine interplays. The human

kernel would improve the distributed information structure in our information society.

Modern documented knowledge has been fragmented, due to segmentation of knowledge

models by university departments as organized and marketed in the form of saleable

commodities. The artificial means of segmenting the views of reality, has created many

handicaps in our attempts to seek the ultimate true pictures of reality. One has to break

across the departmental barriers and the artificial rules and regulations in societies in order

to reconnect the fragmented nature of knowledgebase derived by academic and institutional

conventions and practices.

We, as classmates brought up in the 1950s, and living up to the year of 2010, have

witnessed the dramatic transformation of the world many folds. Our multi-cultural common

backgrounds represents a small minority who were fortunate to go through the peaks of the

Western civilization in the second half of the 20th century and its beginning decline in the

recent decade.

Today, we are witnessing the re-emergence of China in the economic scene.

The inherent cultural roots of the Chinese cultural roots have yet to be rediscovered, in

order to to make use of, and reinforce the accumulated attained economic power. The

traditional classics, such as the rules and rituals of ConFuTze apparently does not fit into

the 21st centuryquantum/information age.

What are the underlying spiritual roots working within the hearts of the Chinese current

leadershipwhich has shaped and molded the the New China? What are the spirits behind

the LaoTzesummary that prevailed in the hearts of the leaders before Zhou dynasty that had

formed laiddown the spirits of the former leaderships in the Neolithic age up to the Huangdi

in the Five Kingdomera.    

The spirits of the Chinese inherent culture, or the Chinese inherent Wen  Hua 文化 must be

identified and be unlocked to lead the world to behave in a saner mental framework compatible

to pulses of nature in which our human race has been an intimate part of it for millions of


I was born as an intimate part of nature and I have been driven by nature to exercise my

judgments and executions according to my mind, heart, soul, and spirits. 

In the 1960s to the 1970s, I was also fortunate to work on digital modeling, information

adaptive control models, communications. The nature of quantum information model

of matter have enabled me to assume that the basis my inner intelligence has been that

interplays of the particles and quantum information control that are still beyond human's

ability to measure and formulate.

Naturally, I have adopted the Electro magnetic wave propagation models in realizing and

executing the information flows within my souls, mind, heart, and spirits connecting to

the exterior world.

After returning to Hong Kong in 1977, this personal habit of letting the inner mind to

connect with the exterior world in treating my inner intelligence to interact with external

human knowledge has helped recovering the Neolithic Chinese character scripts lost in

the dust of history. 

This has helped me to realize that the inherent Chinese Wen Hua 文化 (encoding) has

worked in my childhood and my growing up in integrating the western cultures, Sciences,

and Technologies, and the origins of the Chinese Wen Hua 文化 (decoding).


Hong Kong has not only been a historically melting pot of the Eastern and the Western

cultures, but also a place offering historical opportunities for fostering the germinating

seeds hidden in our souls and spirits in order to put into practice.

Dr Sun Yat-Sen had benefited from the Hong Kong's mixes of cultures to formulate the

alternative models into practice in establishing the Republic of China in 1911.

Hong Kong and DBS have also provided me the spring board in the 1960s not only to

live through the prosperity of the Western world, but also ultimately to make use of the

special environments to gather sufficient material evidences to unveil the origins of the

Chinese character scripts. Subsequent enquiries lead to resolve many cultural mysteries

of  the human knowledge and humanities, that have puzzled many of us in our growing

ups years.  After uncovering the inherent Chinese Wen Hua and Wen Min  文化与文明,I

was inspired me to explore if the reemergence of China could be a possible spiritual

leading edge in forging the information society of the future.

The mainland China today has been so busy to imitate the West in technologies in the

economic competition of accumulating wealth in building up political and military game

plays for self defense. The Mainland is still deeply rooted in its regimental thought patterns,

with Marxism's materialistic analysis, even though now have been branded as Scientific

Development . The Social Capitalism economy is now designed and managed in a tightly

weaved information control system.

The lack of understanding and the rejection of spiritual matters has been due to the over

emphasis on the power of measurements and proofs which has been taught as universal

truths in schools and universities.  This might be the handicap in releasing China's inherent

Wen Hua of LaoTze before ConFuTze summarized the Western Zhou rituals as the golden

rules of human behavior.   

After the opening of the Chinese mainland market in the late 1970s, had triggered the

slow loosening control of  thoughts and  speech.  This has been a slow process of recovering

the genuine human nature from the political and economic hardships of cultural revolutions

mentality and behavior.

 The internet web communications facilities in the 1990s for the new generation of schools

and universities in the 1990s, had finally transformed the intellectual landscape in China to

connect with the outside world. The older generations, however, still hang onto the post

cultural revolution era. 

Today, by 2010, while the economic faces of the mainland cities and townships have surprised

the world by China's  supper powers in organization, technologies, innovations as well as

productivities. Now that every one is under pressure to work hard to make sufficient money to

meet the  forever rising standard of living, economics has played a dominant role in the lives of

mainland Chinese, intellectual development in free spirits is still considered a luxury.

The calling for the Renaissance of traditional and inherent Chinese culture in the middle of  the

economic activities is still conflicting. 

The conflicting political, economic group interests have made the cultural aspects rather muddy.

The recent (in August, 2010) LiYi incident, 重慶晉雲山李一道士事件, had demonstrated the conflicting

factors due to  economic interests, Science, Technologies, Western Medicine Traditional Medicines,

Classical Science Doctrine, Daoism, LaoTze , Buddhism. Too many schemes to cover up truths in

China had negative effects in discouraging efforts to identify and re-vitalization of China's inherent

cultures. a  collective group was able to transform not only the economic

As of 2010, the landscapes of China has totally been transformed, together with the new faces of 

younger generations in the last thirty years since the  late 1970s.

What really makes "Chinese" so different than the idealisms, and logics of the traditional Western

civilization? Why the peak of Western civilization which has won over the admirations of our

generation in the 1950s and the 1960s has now ceased to shine? The newly revelations of the

quantum-information nature of matter, and the real time quantum information control of human

intelligence physical platform that may cater for connecting the divergent knowledge models.

That is, connecting our inner minds to the Abrahamic religious, Buddhism , ConFuTze, the classical

Science and Technologies models for tangible applications.


My stories consist of two portions:

I.  What have been doing and how I link my inborn intelligence with the external knowledge models.

II. The quantum information particle interpretation of matter and the adaptive information control

of natural intelligence. How the inner and outer spirits ((information) have been processed in an

adaptive information control system mode. 

Chinese  quantum information model of Dao "", De "", Jin "", Qi "", Sen ""has been one of

possible realization of this interpretations.

III. My life has been guided according to intelligence from Jin ", the information flows of Qi "",

and Sen "" interact with the external knowledge  controlled the system Dao " and my interior

information system, De "".


This system of interactions of inborn intelligence interacting with the external information system

has guided me to collect the unearthed Neolithic Jade Scripts.  By further exercising this interacting

system, finally the origins and developments of the Chinese Scripts has been unlocked and

documented in my website, ,mainly in Chinese.


Lau Hon Kan

September, 2010