Quasar Technologies Limited        H. Kan Lau  Hong Kong  DBS 1963,,  McGill University, B. Hons.  Elect. Eng.  1969,  M. Elect. Eng. 1970,   U. of Toronto,  Ph. D., 1974      English Version 2012,12,25
Hong Kong  since 1981                               漢根資訊生命    香港 漢根            Copyrights Lau Honkan 2007               人類種族及文化起源發展圖   Maps of Origins of Human Races & Cultures
 群星科技有限公司  香港 自1981   Origins of Human Races, Sanskrits & Chinese Scripts       岀土的和田料原生態玉器        Enquiries in English: hkanlau@gmail.com
    Copyrights Lau Honkan 2007
                           人類群的起源 梵文 & 刻契漢文字起源 發展                 三皇五帝時期及之前玉石雕刻        交流: hkanlau@gmail.com 
XJHuman072 Dinosaur261   NorthJade092crop   Dinosaurman107  GSFigure014GSJade347GSSlate864script102crop    
劉漢根一生心靈的回歸體驗 人類智慧与知識的機際闋係 (2010.08.30)           分析与綜合結論:  1.  岀土智慧硬件的啓示 (2012.01.25)       2.  智慧与知識軟件的融合 (2012.03.15)

Origins of Human Races & Scripts

人類群 与 刻契文字的起源和發展

Hong Kong









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On July 13,2010: Vic wrote
 thanks for your reply. where you lost me is:

"as I have found out, precisely, humanities in the origins of the Chinese culture had been built on the wireless
information, communications, control
  basing on the quantum information nature of matter."

i have tried to read i-ching and lao tze (in english) several times but found them very opaque. hence i really don't
fully comprehend your discovery. second, i too am too bound to the western methodology, namely, in your theory
of connecting the old chinese culture with the modern quantum theory, you would certainly need to propose an
empirical experiment to prove and disprove your thesis. anyway, i really need to have a deeper understanding of
your theory b4 commenting further.

by the way, i crossed path with tommy lau at the u of illinois in 1972-73. I believe he was doing his p hd @ U of I
when I was a post-doc there. i think he would remember. do give him my best regards.”

on 14, July 2010, HK responded:

You came at the right time, and may be we can put matters in the proper perspectives.
It involves both learning and unlearning, in order to overcome the breakthroughs.

Tommy did introduce me to the HKU Chinese department professors in 2005, when I was ready for my first
presentation of Neolithic jade scripts photos. The experience and many subsequent encounters with museum
people in Beijing and Shanghai allowed me to have a very good understanding of the status these Chinese
scholars have been in.

Yes, the classical science has been based on experimental proofs.

YTG and LSP have been voicing similar opinions to me.

The quantum measurements by the Swiss physicists in 1980s have solidly indicated that information control
and particles have been the two components of matter.

This further clarified the duality nature of wave versus the particle theories. The non-compromising duality
formulations, in the classical text books implied neither approach has been perfect .

The precise formulation (model) of how the particles have been controlled by the  quantum information is
currently beyond experimental devices to detect and prevailing mathematical analysis.
  We can only admit
the nature of such interacting forces going on. To come up with a particle & information control formulation
to simulate the real time phenomena, will remain the most challenging task in Physics, I believe.

Non measurability at quantum level on particles and the information control, as stipulated by the uncertainty
principle, has precluded us to prove natural intelligence experimentally.

The only proof to me has been my own experience since childhood, and they fit perfectly into the information
control models I have utilized in my academic and professional works.

When I first encountered the Maxwell's equation in 1966, I was amazed that how could Maxwell configure the
dynamics of such wave propagation...When I first encountered the
  Schrödinger equation in the same year, I

could hardly see the particles jumping within the quantum wells.
At the time I felt that those who were able to put them into formulation to simulate those physical phenomena
must have a special soul to actually seeing the dynamics surrounding them...

I have been actually seeing what I have derived from my personal experience, taking into considering all knowledge
I have been exposed to over time.
Now, I need help to echo on all these in order to put things in a more acceptable package.
May be by more interactions with peers, eventually we will be able to figure out a scheme of presentation relating

all these so that the final synthesis will be more convincing at the first look....

The followings are some few examples: 

I have interpreted Tai Ji as quantum particle/information model , and I-Ching as information control model of the 
world exterior to us. Interpretations from the traditional Chinese classical and current published texts, either in
English or Chinese have taken the wrong route in emphasis.

Tai Ji is a model of the quantum nature of matter.

I-Ching was created to reflect the information control nature of the surrounding environment.

It was a kind of heuristic simulation modeling I have employed building computer models.

The parameters imbedded in the model before Zhou Wen Di (周文帝)  modified the model, were chosen as they
came to their minds at the time. At our age and time, the world dynamics has changed. If we were asked to build
such a simulation model, we would certainly come up with a more suitable set of parameters for such a digitized
simulation model.

The I-Ching binary model was meant at the very early time before the Zhou dynasty to serve as an on-line
information model serving to simulate the real time events of reality.
It was a version of forecasting model, and there should have no mysteries behind it.

Over the years. since ConFuTze, interpretations of I-Ching was made mystified...by
mis-interpreting its true nature.

The traditional texts & books on I-Ching available nowadays, either in Chinese or English, attempt to interpret the
chosen parameters literally (too seriously) without noticing the on-line simulation modeling nature of I-Ching.
ConFuTze also made the same mistake by working on the nature of the representative modeling parameters.

 In early 2010, I came to aware the meanings of these following key characters which spell out the nature of human
beings, and the dynamics of natural intelligence.

"" was meant to be the information control system outside our physical body and

the internal information system. I-Ching was designed to simulate the dynamics of the

exterior  "" information control system. 

 "" was meant to be the information system responsible for our natural intelligence and controlling our physical
internal body system.

 "" was meant to represent the physical media or the biological locations (or distributed biological devices)  evolved
over the years residing within our body, from which inherited accumulated knowledge base were stored. Control
information, communicative information, knowledge information condensed and accumulated from the ancestors
have been stored waiting to be triggered for release for applications at the appropriate instances.

 "" was meant to be the information (control information) flow within our body activities. As sources of intelligence
to control human’s intelligence and physical movements.

 "" was meant to be the information transformed from "" to be transmitted from the physical body to the exterior
to detect the outside environment and be received by the third parties. The information transmitted by other third
parties or the environment would have received as "
", the information intelligence.

The received information,"", by the third party will be transformed into "" inside the third party's body. This
received information "
" will be handled by "" for furthering any feedback activities.
How and why the Jesuits had translated "GOD" into "
" is interesting.
Whether initial meaning of “GOD” as used in the Old Testament coincides with the Chinese cultural origins is a
subject of interest. If the Jewish race was a tribe from the Far East ending up in the Mesopotamia were originated
from the XingJiang, and the ChingHai Tibetan Highlands, where human race and culture originated

The decoding of these conceptual characters according to the information and quantum interpretations can only be
possible from the results of collective works in this information age.

This information modeling is capable of unlocking many mysteries waiting to be unlocked surrounding us.

This has been the dynamics of human intelligence I have been adopting since childhood, though the precise modeling
platform I have been using varied over time.

In mid 2009, it suddenly occur to me, these five characters, were exactly what I have practiced on the information
flows in my personal information processing over the years. Since 1966, I had began to employ
 the information
models as I acquired from the information, communications, control, systems in my engineering developments

The above touches the very top, but are the basis of further explaining the revelations.

May be you can help tidy all these up, to be more readable and presentable.

Thanks for your attention, Vic,






On 16 July,2010, HK further provided the modeling background to Vic:



FYI, from 1965 to 1974, I was totally involved in the following models.
They have served as guiding references for my mappings of world dynamics.

I have mapped the cultural aspects into the analysis models reported in my
Chinese version of the website since 2005.

In the coming English version, I am going to tell the story from top down by
synthesis, after finally discovering that my models map perfectly into the character models of:
道,德,精,氣,神” earlier this year of 2010.

It has been a happy ending.



Basis of modeling references:

Bachelor Honors Electrical Engineering  1965-1969 McGill  University

Master of Electrical Engineering                1969-1970 McGill University


1.Newtonian Mechanics

2.Advance calculus


4.Numerical Analysis

5.Programming Languages

6.Digital an Analogue Computers

7.Quantum Mechanics

8.Modern Abstract Algebra

9.Electromagnetic Waves Theories

10.Electrical Circuitry

11.Solid Sate Physics

12.Probability and Statistics

13.Linear Systems

14.Digital and Continuous Systems Simulations

15.Structural Analysis

16.Fluid Dynamics

17.Switching Logic Circuitry

18.Wave Guide Propagation & Experiments

19.Circuit Design Experiments

20.Optimal Control Systems

21.Transistors In Circuitry

22.Non-linear Systems

23.Computer Simulations

24.Relaxation Methods in Solving Partial Differential Equations

25.Probability Theory

26.Communication Theory

27.Optimal Computerized Antenna Design

28.Advanced Magnetic Wave Theories


Ph D  University of Toronto  1970-1974

in Applying Adaptive Control Systems to Canadian Economic Modeling

1.Numerical Modeling

2.Adaptive Control Theory

3.Stochastic Processes

4.Stochastic Control Systems 

5.Econometric Theories and researches

6.Advanced Optimal Control Systems

7.Game Theories

8.Dynamic Programming

9.Optimal Economic Growth Theories

10.Mathematical Economics Theories and Research

11.Canadian and USA Econometric Models and Simulations

12.Advanced Abstract Algebra

13.Testing Validity of Probability Assumptions of Econometric Applications

14Fiscal And Monetary Policies

15Economic Models

16.Industrial Processes and Simulations: Discrete and Continuous

17.Seminars in Economic Research

18.Stochastic Adaptive Control Research Papers

19.Great Papers from Systems, Control and Communications Journals

20.Researches from Economists in Models, and Economic Controls