Quasar Technologies Limited        H. Kan Lau  Hong Kong  DBS 1963,,  McGill University, B. Hons.  Elect. Eng.  1969,  M. Elect. Eng. 1970,   U. of Toronto,  Ph. D., 1974      English 2012,12,25
Hong Kong  since 1981      漢根資訊生命    香港 漢根  Copyriights Lau Honkan 2007   人類種族及文化起源發展圖   Maps of Origins of Human Races & Cultures
 群星科技有限公司 香港自1981   Origins of Human Races,Minds,Sanskripts & Chinese Scripts    生態岀土的和田料玉器   Enquiry:  quasarkanlau@gmail.com
人類種族的起源;心靈 & 梵文刻契漢文字起源 發展   三皇五帝前後,商周,秦漢時期之玉石雕刻   太湖東夷人的來源演變   交流: qquasarkanlau@gmail.com 
XJHuman072NorthJade092crop   Dinosaurman107  GSFigure014GSJade347GSSlate864script102crop
群星科技項目      人類智慧与知識的機際闋係 (2010)    分析与綜合結論:  1.  岀土智慧硬件的啓示 (2012.01.25)    2.  智慧与知識軟件的融           劉漢根的博客 2013.05.18
    The Mind, and Early Life of  H Kan Lau    劉漢根的前半生   2009.10.8 之回憶

Slideshows of Neolithic Cultural Jades & Chinese Scripts in English & Chinese  2010.09.03  New version

2010.09.03新版本: 新石器時代「文化 玉器」及刻契漢字的起源与發展實物証據的圖片展


II.  Inborn Natural intelligence

The Inborn Natural Intelligence documented by Chinese classics such as LaoTze, are now accountable by

the 21st Century revelations from the Quantum Information Control interpretations of  Human Beings in the

Universe. These quantum information control models had been beautifully represented by the aged old

Chinese character script symbols evolved over thousands of years:
II-1.Tai Ji ,
太極(Quantum Information Control  of Particles; modeling of Matter,
Quantum Information & Particles), 
II-2. Dao
,道 (External Information Control System, External Universal Spirits),
II-3. De,
(Internal Human Control System, in our Hearts),
II-4. Jin
,精 (Inborn and Acquired Information Kernel, Intelligence),
II-5. Qi
氣,(Internal Control Information, Information Flow ) ,
II-6. Shen
神,  (External Control Information Spirits) 


II. Interpretations of our collections of unearthed Neolithic Cultural Jades & Chinese Scripts:

    "文化"Wen Hua"(mistakenly translated into the Greek notion of "Culture") and "文明" "Wen Min"(mistakenly

     translated into the Greek notion of "Civilization") need to be rectified in order to genuinely comprehend the

     process of the origins and developments of Chinese scripts. 

     The literal meaning of "文化"(currently translated into "Culture" in English) literally was meant to encode the

      conceived spiritual concepts into character scripts/symbols. The original literal meaning of "文明"(currently

      translated into "Civilization" in English) literally was meant to decode from the Chinese scripts/symbols into

     conceptual or spiritual images.

     The Neolithic process of "Wen Hua & Wen Min"("文化", "文明") had specifically described the behavior of the

     Chinese "spiritual souls and behavior" in the developing the cultures of encoding and decoding the Chinese

     character scripts versus the phonetic recording of the Middle Eastern and Western phonetic languages

     The process of encoding mental and spiritual conceptual images into Neolithic Chinese Scripts had been

     Wen Hua (文化). The process of decoding these Neolithic scripts from the jade artifacts would have to be the

     reversal process of Wen Min (文明). i.e. decoding into the intended meanings by the original Neolithic authors.


III. 中華民族文化文明,上下五千年的實物証據:

Chinese "Wen Hua"(文化)  and Wen Min (文明),spanning through the upper 5,000 Neolithic years and the lower

5,000 years since the time of HuangDi/ChangJie (黄帝/蒼頡) era, as quoted traditionally: 

    The following Neolithic cultural jade samples are exclusively from H Kan Lau Collections. 

1. XingJiang & Gangsu Jade sculptures: Descendants of Dinosaurs

       新彊&甘肅 玉雕刻:龍的傳人
1-1. Dinosaur. Dinosaur Bird, Birdman & Modern Man


1-2. XingJiang Black Jade Sculptures: Very early man  



2. Early Engraved Neolithic Jade Engraved Pictures to Scripts: 02-1, 02-2

        新石器早期的刻契圖片与文字的初型: 02-1, 02-2



2-1. XingJiang Engraved Picture & Scripts on Jade Slates 新彊原始玉片圖文


2-2.  Gangsu Jade Zong :甘肅玉琮圖文 02-01, 02-02, 02-03

2-2-1.Gangsu Jade Zong Engraved Pictures & Scripts 甘肅玉琮圖文 Part 1


2-2-2. Gangsu Jade Zong Carved Pictures & Scripts 甘肅玉琮圖文Part 2



2-2-3. Gangsu Jade Zong Carved Pictures & Scripts 甘肅玉琮圖文Part3


3. Jiangsu Tai Wu : Fushui, Tahoe, Taiyan Inscribed Scxripts 03-1, 03-2

       江蘇太湖地區的 斧燧氏,太昊,与太炎陰刻契文字

3-1. Jiangsu TaiWu Culture: Fushui Era  江蘇太湖 斧燧氏時期


3-2. Jiangsu Taiwu Culture: Taihoe & Taiyan  江蘇太湖太昊,太炎:


4.     Gangsu Northern Scripts  北方甘肅文字 04-1, 04-2


4-1. Gangsu Early Scripts on Gu 甘肅刻契玉圭文字


4-2.  Gangsu Zeal Name Scripts 甘肅玉璽刻契名字



5.   Pre HuangDi Era : Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Hebei

       黄帝前時期:  內蒙,遼寧,陝西,河北陽刻契文字


6.  Central Plains Tapole Scripts 中原蝌蚪刻契文字: 06-1, 06-2

6-1. Central Plains Pre Canjie Tapole Scripts  蒼頡前蝌蚪陽刻契文字


6-2. Central Plains Canjie Tapole Scripts  蒼頡蝌蚪陽刻契文字


6-3. Central Plains Canjie Era Tapole Scripts 蒼頡時期的蝌蚪陽刻契文字


7-1. Yaudi Era: Shanxi Scripts 堯時期,山西刻契文字


7-2.  Matured Eastern Yi Scripts of the Tai Wu Region

    (Requires Photodex Presenter: respond to download of Photodex Presenter if prompted)

7-3. Shun/Yu Era Zhejiang Hangzhou (Liangchu) Scripts

          舜禹時期:淅江,抗州至上虞,抗州至會稽 : 玉陰刻契文字



8. Early Bronze Scripts:  Legacies from Henan Jade Scripts



9.  Shang/Zhou Bronze Wares and our 1985 collected ShiQuin Bronze Pan《史墙盤》

       商周 銅器銘文及我們1985年收藏周恭王時代有銘文的《史墙盤》